Message from Pastor Michael Hanson

Built on the rock the church shall stand, even when steeples are falling.

It is no secret that the Christian church in America is in a time of great change. From a purely pragmatic perspective it is possible to be pessimistic about the future of the church as we know it. Many will point to falling steeples, shuttered doors, and church buildings being repurposed into profitable businesses asevidence that the future of the church is bleak. But those of us in the church know things are not as they appear.

In 1 Corinthians 3, Paul informs us that we are God’s building (v. 9). We understand this not as a finished product, but rather as the process of building. And God’s church is built by him continually! This process of building is neither sporadic nor without intent, but rather his constant refining, reforming, reshaping, and reimagining of our Christian life together to makehis church what he needs it to be for his world. The appearance varies but the foundation remains rock solid. God’s church is built on the Rock: that is Jesus! 1 Corinthians 3: 11: “For no one can lay a foundation other than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ.”

The world changes, but God’s commission for Pilgrim Lutheran Church to Save the Lost and Strengthen the Saved does not. How we teach may change over time, but the work of Pilgrim Lutheran School remains Educating Children with the Foundation and Love of Jesus Christ. Pilgrim provides the foundation that people need in this world of change, and right now we stand on the precipice of being able to provide that foundation to many more students, families, teachers, and other people in the greater Green Bay area. Our responsibility is to follow God as he builds his church. This work is reflected in our four pillars: Preach the Word, Teach the Children, Reach the Next Generation, reach Each person.

Our Foundations campaign is an invitation to participate in the building work God is doing at Pilgrim. The foundation is laid for us in Jesus, and God blesses our faithful following for his purposes. Please prayerfully consider how God has blessed you to be a blessing as you participate in our campaign in a variety of ways: through your prayers, through your financial contributions, and through building together on the foundation of Jesus Christ.