Messages from Pilgrim Families

Pilgrim is blessed with many wonderful families who are happy to tell us the importance of Pilgrim in their lives. When they learned of our plan to expand our facilities, they were excited to tell us the positive impact Pilgrim has on their lives, to help us bring a similarly positive experience to many more families for years to come!


Chad and Bliss Baudhuin

Parents of Pilgrim Students

Pilgrim Lutheran School has served our family in countless ways. We know from the time we drop our children off in the morning to when we circle around to pick them up after school that we are putting them into godly, capable hands. The staff at Pilgrim are not only quality educators – they are servant-shepherds. Our children are growing in their skills and abilities as thoughtful and competent students, but they are also being shaped and transformed into the nature and character of Jesus Christ.

We have appreciated Pilgrim’s holistic approach to their education, one which regards our children’s minds, bodies, and souls. We also appreciate the gospelmission mindset which goes into their education, not assuming that every child in the school has a saving faith in Jesus but trusting that God will use the teachers, the ministry leadership, and fellow Christ-following students to demonstrate to those around them who Jesus is and what Jesus has done. The truth of the gospel and the transformative work of Christ through the work of the Holy Spirit are demonstrated through the dedication and commitment of the staff at Pilgrim. They love these students as Christ has loved us. We are proud to be Pilgrim parents and will continue to celebrate the growth of grace which goes on within Pilgrim’s walls!


Harry Olp

Capital Campaign Communications Director

Pilgrim has been my church home since 1962, when it was a mission church at the original site, a small house one block north on St. Agnes Drive. Since that time, we have undergone four building projects, all of which I’ve been blessed to witness. The first sanctuary at the present site was built in 1963. In 1976, an educational wing was added, with eight classrooms and a gym. Pilgrim then added six more classrooms in 1985, and, in 2007, built the new sanctuary and more classrooms. With God’s guidance and grace, Pilgrim continued to grow, and His grace also enabled us to meet the challenges that the congregation’s growth presented.

The school opened in 1981 with Kindergarten through Grade 3 and has grown to its present size of 292 students in Preschool through Grade 8. In those 40+ years, several thousand children, including my grandchildren, have received a Christian education. In addition, many Pilgrim graduates have entered professional church work as pastors, teachers, and other professional church workers, including some who are currently serving at Pilgrim.

I have been blessed to be able to witness the results of all of the challenges Pilgrim has met for the benefit of our community. With faith in God and with Him as our leader, I am confident that Pilgrim again will rise to the current challenges and continue in its mission to “save the lost and strengthen the saved.”


Kari (Krueger) Williams (’96) and Kelly (Krueger) Schumm (’02)

Parents, Alumni, and Current Teachers at Pilgrim Lutheran School

As teachers who have also been students at Pilgrim, we have experienced an array of changes here at Pilgrim Lutheran Church and School. In our memory, a new church has been built, and the previous church building has been transformed into a Fellowship Hall. The teaching staff has changed as well; a new generation of teachers has been raised up as long-term staff members have retired. We are encouraged by the presence of teachers from Pilgrim’s past who continue to attend worship and other events here, and it’s a special joy to reminisce with them about their and our experiences here.

We have witnessed growth in church membership and are happy to see both familiar faces and new faces in worship. We’ve even experienced the generational changes in our classrooms as former classmates – and even former students – are now parents of students in our classrooms!

We look forward to the changes ahead and are excited to see how they will impact future generations!


Amanda Yorton

Parent, Athletics Coach, School Board Member

I grew up in a good public school district and felt I received a great education. When we had our children and my husband recommended a private Christian school, like he attended, I didn’t understand why it was so important to him. But after seeing the higher academic standard, the genuine love from the teachers and staff, and the daily spiritual guidance in the way of Christ, I can’t imagine my family being anywhere but Pilgrim. This is where my family thrives.